No, I am NOT pregnant. And yes, I knew that title would get you thinking... :)
First of all, I wanted to thank you all for your kind words regarding the loss of our sweet Haley. Although it was rough there for a week or so, things eventually evened out and we went along right as rain. But as any of you who have ever shared your home with a cat know, once you've been owned by a cat, the house seems empty without one. I should have known it wouldn't be long before we'd be looking for our new feline friends...and it wasn't.
Kendall and Noah started begging for kittens quite a while back, and we always said no, because we were sure Haley wouldn't have taken to kindly to us introducing some rambunctious kitties to her kingdom. But now that she was gone and our house seemed so...empty...could that be the right word? I mean, seriously...there are four of us, my brother, and Scout. This house is hardly empty! But it still felt that way. There was a hole, and it couldn't be denied. Every day, Kendall would ask when we could get kittens. And every day, I would say to Barry, "You know we can't hold out much longer. We're soft. We're gonna cave sooner or later." And he would just smile and say, "Yep. It's gonna be soon."
So I think it's safe to say, we were all jonesin' for some of that boundless kitten energy...something to take our minds off of Haley. So I started looking at all of the nearest cat rescues on Petfinder. Oh my, there are so many cats out there that need a good home! It's so hard to choose, and to only take two! But we set some parameters from the get-go...we wanted a pair. In our experience, a pair always does better than one. Plus, they were going to need each other in their battle against the Dark Knight (Scout)! Lol! Also, we wanted very young kittens, so we could socialize them with Scout immediately and not have constant cat/dog issues. Other than that, we were pretty open. We found our kittens at Colony Cats Rescue here in Columbus, and they were wonderful to work with. They have a cageless adoption center, where all of the cats roam free and you can visit and play with them. This is where we met Josie. She was a single kitten, but so stinkin' cute that we could not resist her....wouldn't you agree?
She fancies herself as the princess of the house, that much is clear. She sits herself on a pillow and hisses and spits at Scout every time he gets near her. She spends long amounts of time grooming her beautiful long hair and lounges around at her will. But she is cuddly and cute, and loves to play too.
Fletcher was being fostered off-site with his 3 sisters by a woman named Marilyn. Marilyn obviously has a sincere love for animals, as her house was absolutely FULL of cats and dogs, many of them with disabilities. The kids were in heaven. Fletcher had our hearts from the start because this cat has personality PLUS! He is so precocious and curious and funny. He always wants to see what you're doing and be right up next to you. But my most favorite thing about him is that he chirps like a little bird. It is so sweet. Makes me want to go back and adopt his three sisters too...(don't tell Barry!)
The house is definitely full now! And Scout just wants to love those itty bitty kitties to pieces, but he really needs to work on his approach. Charging them and giving them a tongue bath when he has them cornered is really not the way to endear himself, I'm afraid! We'll get there in time...he just needs to calm the heck down.
Well, Kendall is home today with a fever of 102, and it's been a long night and day to tell you the truth. I think I'm going to go join Josie for a nap...I'm sleepy.
Have a good week, folks!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago