Friday, February 01, 2008

Girls Night Out!

Ok, ok, it may not be all as exciting and wild as it sounds, but still...I'm excited! After all the work of the holidays and planning all the parties in January, I will finally get a little break just for myself. I am headed to a scrapbooking retreat tonight with my friend Deetra and her mom, Paula. We will head out as soon as Barry gets home and then after a 45-60 minute drive, we will unpack all of our fun tools, pictures, and papers and get to work! They have amazing food at this place, so I will be looking forward to dinner! Then back to cropping until we need some rest...and off to the bunkhouse. Breakfast will come soon enough and then we will head back to the cropfest until 5:30 pm Saturday! Woo HOO!!! There will also be plenty of chocolate, so you know I'll be happy!!!

Now, I am not a scrapbooker-extraordinaire like Logzie, I assure you! But, I can hold my own. My biggest downfall is that I don't plan. I don't have any ideas in my head before I get there, so I spend alot of time looking through my pictures and planning my layout...and talking, and looking at everyone else's books...and eating, and talking...and did I mention talking??? For me, it's a creative outlet AND a way to spend some time chatting with the girls. Fun, adult conversation is always nice!

So, since I don't plan very well, I usually don't get a lot of pages done. Like last time I went to a 6 hour crop with Deetra, I think I finished maybe 5 pages. Not really impressive, but I am always happy with them. And that's the other thing...I'm kind of a perfectionist. I get a vision in my mind of what I want it to look like and if I can't get it just right, I'm not happy and end up tearing it apart and redoing it. But hey, as long as I leave with a few good pages, I'm good. I don't get all stressed and obsessed about "documenting the history of our family" like some croppers do...I just think it's fun and I love to showcase good pictures I've taken of my beautiful kids.

So, wish me luck, y'all! I am feeling inspired today and will try to break my record of 8 pages in one crop! (Stop laughing, all you scrapbookers!! It's a GOAL, ok??? LOL!)

I'll let you know how it goes! Have a good weekend, peeps!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a blast! Who cares how many pages you get done? As long as you enjoy it and can de-stress, it's all good!

Alisa said...

How fun! The day I do something like that I will know I'm an official scrapper. I try to do it but I am no way near as good as what I see out at archiver's and I think I've seen some of yours...creative w/ a capital C. I did one last year right before the kids turned two.. did the whole year in 2 or 3 nights up til 2 in the morn...ridiculous! Have a great time. Also...chatting and eating in my book IS quite productive! :-)

So glad I got a comment from ya today & made your daily reads!!! I've been reading yours for months but I'm so anonymous?! Okay.. this was supposed to be a comment, not a post! ha! Have a good weekend!

Stacy said...

I do most of my stuff on the computer. There is no way I can cut out all those papers and stuff but I can put a super layout together on the pc in no time.

Kiki said...

Kuckie, It sounds like you will have a great time, my sister goes to these things all the time and has a blast...I stink at getting scrapbooking done, as much as I want too. I'll be excited to hear how it goes. Have fun and be safe!

Jenelle said...

I am so jealous.

none said...

I know a lot of people that scrap book. Their results are amazing. I don't have that kind of patience.

kenady said...

Sounds like a great time! I'm with Terri... who cares how many pages you get done as long as you have a good time and are pleased with what you do accomplish.

I used to scrapbook, but it has now fallen to the wayside. There isn't enough time with 2 kids, a dog, a husband and a full time job. I now rely on the digital world of Shutterfly and Snapfish. Maybe one day I will find the time:)

Have a great time!

California Girl said...

I hope you have/had a great time! Sounds like a ton of fun!

Logzie said...

I am WAY jealous!!! It's been SO long since I have been to one of those types of crops...sniff...sniff...

I hope you had a GREAT time and thanks for the compliment in your post but's my other friends whose scrapbook pages are amazing! But thanks... a few pages after you get back...I'd LOVE to see them!

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