As you can see, Kendall was a dragon this year, inspired by her beloved playstation game, Spyro the Dragon. She has been practicing breathing fire all week. No, I'm not kidding.
Noah was an elephant, and quite an adorable one at that! He didn't really want much to do with the whole trick-or-treat thing...he just wanted to run with reckless abandon! He could have cared less about the candy, but maybe that's just because he doesn't really know what it is yet! Soon enough, folks. Soon enough....
We went up to the park for a citywide costume parade and trick or treating, then over to the neighborhood behind us. We don't have to hand out candy, of course, since no one comes this far back off the road! And true to Ohio weather, we had a beautiful day yesterday, but it rained all day today! So, Beggars Night was not the best we could have hoped for...and yet the kids were done up in all their glory, traipsing around from house to house grabbing all the candy they could carry. And I will say this for them...I saw some VERY creative and gory costumes this year. I was not at all disappointed!
So another Halloween has passed. The kids are crashed out in bed, and Barry and I are preparing to sit down to Season 2, Disk 3 of The Office...and maybe a little Halloween candy to go with it! Dibs on the Snickers!