How was your Memorial Day Weekend? Did you take a moment to reflect and thank your countrymen? Kendall sure did. She was insistent to call her grandpas that served to tell them thank you. (And yes, we know that Memorial Day is meant to honor the fallen, but she obsesses about death too much the way it is, so we just let her go with what she wanted to do.) I love that they talked about this at her school...it was really important to her! Unfortunately, she couldn't get either grandpa on the line...just voicemail!
you do anything fun, or did you just hang out around the house and get things done?
We did a bit of both. We had Sheri out for a cookout on Saturday.

..after we had spent the day working. I spent the day staining all of the tongue and groove that we were hoping to hang before the weekend was done, and Barry was busy finishing up some of the landscaping that we had been working on. And we weren't the only ones working! Sheri was up early and was having a majorly productive day as well! So after the work was done, she showed up at or house and we grilled some steaks...and they were GOOOOOOD! Ice cream for dessert, of course!!
As you can see, the kiddos were busy too, running around outside and of course, blowing bubbles. Noah still doesn't get the "blowing" part yet...he prefers t

o lick the bubble wand...YUCK. I keep trying to show him, but for some reason, he feels the need to put it in his mouth!
Possibly the most exciting news of the weekend is this little black guy over here...
This is our new puppy. We went to see the puppies on Friday night to see if we could fall in love with one....DUH! There were 11, YES, I said 11! They were all so sweet, it was hard to choose! He will be getting neutered this week, so we won't get him until Saturday morning...and let me tell you, this is going to be

a VERY long week. Kendall just can barely stand it!
We didn't tell the kids where we were going on Friday. We really wanted to surprise Kendall, since she has been begging for a dog for months. We just knew she would flip her lid...and boy, did she! Noah was crazy for the pups too. They were chasing him all over the pen, pulling on his shorts and trying to play with him. He loved it! He kept calling the dogs Duchess though (our neighbor's dog), since to him every black dog is Duchess, no matter how big or small it is.
It was so hard to choose, and Kendall wanted to take them all. In the end, we picked an extremely calm little male with a bit of white on his chest. He was happy to let you hold him and happy to give lots of puppy kisses! The only hitch is that the Pilot Dog program gets first pick of the pups, so he may get chosen by them. BUT, we've talked about it with Kendall, and we all feel that it will be ok if that happens...we'll just pick another one! They were ALL sweet tempered!

So, anyway, Kendall is in love. Puppy love, you might say! Look for our Puppy update on Saturday!
Then today I mowed the front and part of the back yard while Barry hung all that tongue and groove that I stained. It looks really good! I'd post pics, but it's too dark now to be able to get a good picture. I'll try to post one tomorrow!
Then Miss Kathy and Zach came out for a visit and to have some yummy grilled hamburgers. We just sat and talked, took a walk around the property, and sat on the porch watching the kids run around. It was nice! And now, the kids are in bed...
exactly where Barry and I are headed here pretty quick!
Happy Memorial Day, everyone!