He does not understand the concept of explaining himself.
Whenever you ask him, "Why did you pour your milk on the floor?" or something equally as deserving of an answer, he replies...
"Because I did." (with a very innocent look on his face, I might add.) Simple as that. Because he did. Why would you even ask?
Or how about when I ask him something like, "Why do you insist on dribbling in your underwear instead of getting on the potty?" Oh that's an easy one, of course...
"Because I do."
Even questions like, "Hey Buddy...why did you throw Scout's bone in the toilet?" or "Noah, why did you put your pasta in your milk?" or even "Why do always tell me you don't want to go to school? You like school!!" Yeah, and you can ask him the same question over and over, phrasing it differently each time and STILL he will answer, "Because I do" or "Because I did". See, it's not that he doesn't understand the question...I'm sure of this...it's just that he doesn't feel the need to explain himself. It's as simple as the fact that he did it. And that's it. No need to explain anything. What a MAN thing to do...
It's so frustrating! I know I say this all the time, but it sure is a good thing he's cute....
At least he's a step ahead of my kids who only answer with one word "BECAUSE". Period. GRRR...that annoys the HECK out of me. I have told them over and over that "Because." is not a sentence. Becuase MUST have something come after it. At least Noah has that part figured out. (not that it helps YOU any though! ha ha) What a cutie he is! Just remember..before you know it he'll be so much more grown up and you'll miss this stage!
He's definitely got the cute thing going in his favor! He can get away with "because I did."
LOL!! That kid is the most stinking cutest kid EVER!! I love that Noah!! :)
Mine used to say I don't know. Why did you pour the 5 lb bag of sugar on the floor? "I don't know." Why did you pour blue dye on the dog? "I don't know"
Does he smile and his eyes twinkle at you while he's saying it? That's when Ty know's he's done something worthy of attention and made lots of work for mom...
my boys are in the "I don't know" stage right now...sometimes it can get irritating, but at least they are cute too. :)
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