As you may well know, my daughter is a bug girl.
She will tell you herself..."Mama, I'm just a bug girl!" So today, this is what she brought in the house to show me. Call it the Catch of the Day, if you will.
My Kendall-bug is not afraid of the creepy-crawlies...but I don't really like them! I try, however, not to let on too much because I don't want her to "learn" to not like them. Let's just say I won't be running around trying to catch
Also on the topic of Kendall today...
Today my friend Deetra was over with her daughter Shea, and we were all in the kitchen as I was making lunch. Anyway, I hear this rustling around in the pantry and realized that Kendall was the child who was MIA.
I said, " Kendall...what are you doing in there?"
Now, keep in mind, we have had a few conversations as of late about not sneaking food. Everything has to be approved through Mama. So I was not surprised that there was no response!
Again..."Kendall, what are you doing?"
I see my towhead daughter peek her head out of the pantry, and I ask the question again. And boy is that girl getting quick! Do you know what she said to me (without even a blink)?
"I was just checking the crackers to see if they were getting stale..."!
I guess they weren't!