Yesiree...these kids are keeping me on my toes today. Kendall spent the entire day either in her bed or on the couch, sleeping. Her fever ran most of the day, so she was so lethargic and weak that I just let her do whatever she wanted, which of course, kept me running for ice water and a new blanket and another pillow, etc. etc. etc.... I called
Brian the wonder-acupuncturist to see if he could get her in today, and I'll tell you what...I do believe in fortuitous circumstance. He had just had a cancellation for 5:00 pm, so you can bet that appointment was mine! I let the kids and puppy nap until 4:00, then I got them up and loaded up the Odyssey. We were off to get my baby feeling better!
At the treatment, Brian told us that she had a major kind of nastiness going on in that little body of hers. But let me just tell you he is amazing! Before we even left the office, she was cooling down and perking up. She even asked for something to eat before we left! Of course, on the way home, she fell asleep again...but that's ok. The body can't heal without rest. Brian also said her fever should break tonight, so keep your fingers crossed! My beautiful baby girl doesn't get sick very often, but when she does, she does it BIG.

Then, my sweet little boy decided to be not so sweet tonight. I went out to feed the chickens and gather the eggs and he followed me with his little push-along, flappy-feet duck. But when we got to the pen, I told him the duck couldn't go inside because I didn't want chicken poop all over the duck, therefore, in my house. Well, this thoroughly put his diaper in a twist! He threw himself on the ground in the chicken pen, (and therefore the chicken poop as well) and rolled around screaming his head off and grinding dirt and chicken poop all in his hair and clothes. Well, those of you who know me well know that I DO NOT give in to such tactics to control the situation. So I just walked away with the duck and left him there, rolling around in chicken poop and screaming. This went on for 5-10 minutes, which as you may know, feels like forever when a child is screaming his head off. Finally, he realized that I was not giving in, so he picked himself up and started running over to where Barry and I were standing, discussing how long this was going to last...screaming the entire way. Of course, because I was remaining calm and collected, (and because it went on so long that I had time), I happened to get a few pictures of this entertaining incident. Does that make me a bad mom?? :0)

BUT...there is a silver lining to this day...

That's right. I made monster cookies last night. YUMMMMMY YUM YUUUMMMM! And they are just sitting in the kitchen calling my name. Thank Goodness my wonderful hubby is on top of things and thought to bring home extra milk for just such an occasion! Thanks, babe! You're the best! MAYBE I'll even give you one... ;0)
i have a pic that my dad took of me in time out in the corner screaming my head off.
He has shown it to every date I ever had. Gotta love some parents.
Nice touch including hubby in this post! ;)
I hope your daughter is feeling better ver very soon!
Ah, Snowman...all parents have those pictures...some just decide not to use them! I'm not sure how, but somehow I believe that your parents probably had a whole stack to choose from...
Barry is NEVER to be left out of anything involving COOKIES. That is a hard and steadfast rule around here!
Oh my oh my...I can relate totally!! And "No" taking those pictures does NOT make you a bad Mom. I would have done the same thing! It's a scrapbooking thing. HA!
So, you must do a post and tell me more about the accupuncture. I am very curious. How much does it cost? Does it hurt? What is it actually doing to the body? ETC...
Even though she was sick in that picture...that sure is a beautiful little girl you have!
And last but NOT least...those cookies look YUMMMY!
Thanks,'re too sweet. You can check out more info on the acupuncture at Brian's . the treatments are generally not painful, in fact, they are quite relaxing. But every once in a while, there's a spot that hurts! Check it out! The kids love to go!
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