A reason to smile...Barry is coming home tonight! The kiddos and I have had a pretty good week, but I will admit that I am starting to miss the adult interaction...and my hubby in particular! Kendall has a plan for a welcome-home party tomorrow (since Barry will get in tonight after the monkeys have gone to bed), and she has been working on decorations this week, and has also requested that I make cookies. We'll see. I'm working until 7:30 tonight, so maybe I'll have time when I get home before he rolls in.
Other than that, I am happy to report that my big redecorating projects are going really well! I can't wait to share with you all, but I have a little bit of finish work and shopping to do first. I'm so excited! Wow, I guess Spring is definitely here...changes are a-happenin' and I feel energized! And that's a good thing, because Barry and I have worked up a list of 24 home improvement projects that we want to finish before winter starts again...and one of those is building a garage! So...I guess we'll be plenty busy this spring and summer!
What are your plans once the weather breaks??
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
How sweet of Kendall to plan a party...I LOVE that!!
Hmmm...I am going to plant a garden this year for my first time ever! I'm so excited!! We don't even really know what kind of shape our new yard is in yet...just as the snow starts to clear...we get more! Probably yard and landscaping work...just to make it to our liking. We hope to get our downstairs bathroom put in sometime soon as well. Next Spring we want to do a Curb Appeal project on the front of this house...it really needs it!!
I can't wait to see your AFTER pictures....hurry!! :0) LOL!
LOVE the party concept - how wonderful to do this!
I am going to finish painting the trim on my home and finish the painting of my breezeway. Maybe plant a garden?? Be outside more and enjoy the sunshine.
I can see that Kendall is going to be some kind of social director!
Once the weather breaks... I plan to spend time simply enjoying the outdoors. I've missed it more this winter than ever before!
Love all the comments about the weather breaking... it was 82 degrees here today:)
We will probably plant some flowers in the beds out front and then stain the back deck and porch.
Who invited Kenady anyway??
JUST KIDDING...I love you girl...just majorly jealous of your weather!!!!!!!
Our home improvement list is about as long as yours, sad since we've only been there a week - but maybe that's why it's so long!
GET A DRIVEWAY, paint trim outside, plant veggie & flower gardens, clear the brush out of the woods, cut lots of wood to burn next winter, play with the kiddos in the new yard (if the grass comes in), etc
Hope your face has recovered from meeting with the wall in the dark.
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